Monday, September 21, 2009

Installation Process of Windows XP

1.3 2000

Windows Setup Screen

1) Windows Setup Screen:

Shall we begin?

After configuring the system for booting from a CD, the Windows Setup screen appears.

At this point, Setup is loading the driver files it needs to continue with installation.

Welcome to Setup

2) Welcome to Setup:

The Welcome to Setup screen appears with the option of Continuing Setup, Repair a previous installation, or Quitting.

Press ENTER to Continue Setup, R to Repair, or F3 to Quit and reboot the system.

Windows 2000 Licensing Agreement

3) Windows 2000 Licensing Agreement:

The Windows 2000 Licensing Agreement screen, otherwise known as EULA,
displays the legal in's and out's of this particular software package.

You may press F8 to signify that you agree with the terms, hit ESC if you do not agree and PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN to scroll
through each screen. Note: If you do not agree to the terms, setup will quit and reboot the system.

Hard drive partition information

4) Hard drive partition information:

Hard drive partition information is now displayed. This varies with each systems hardware

This example already has a partition defined. I will choose not to use this and create a new one by pressing D.
You may skip this and the next few steps if you do not have any partitions defined.

At this point, the options include pressing ENTER to Install on the selected partition, D to Delete the selected partition,
or F3 to Quit and reboot the system.

Warning screen

5) Warning screen:

After pressing D to delete the selected partition, a warning screen appears explaining
the pitfalls of deleting it. This particular screen only appears when the partition selected to be deleted is formatted as
a bootable system partition. Other partitions will display the next screen.

I want this to happen, so I press ENTER to continue.

The options include pressing ENTER to continue, or ESC to Cancel.

Confirmation screen

6) Confirmation screen:

A confirmation screen that displays the logical drive, what file system the partition is
currently using, the size in MB and controller information.

Options include L to Delete the partition and ESC to Cancel the action.

No partitions have been previously defined

7) No partitions have been previously defined:

If no partitions have been previously defined, this screen will be displayed. You may section
your hard drive in as many partitions as you wish by selecting C to Create a Partition and then entering in a value less then
the total available. Here, I will Create a Partition in the highlighted, unused portion.

Select the partition you wish to install to using the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys.

Press ENTER to use the highlighted partition and Install, C to Create a Partition, or F3 to Quit and reboot the system.

Enter in the partition size

8) Enter in the partition size:

Enter in the partition size in MB within the displayed minimum and maximum. I chose the default
or maximum available here.

You may choose ENTER to Create the new partition or ESC to Cancel the action.

Continue to create partitions

9) Continue to create partitions:

Continue to create partitions until all space is used or the configuration meets your requirements.
Note: a small portion will be unavailable to partition. This is normal. In this example, it is 4 MB.

I chose drive C: to install the Operating system.

You may choose ENTER to Install to the selected partition, D to Delete the highlighted Partition, or F3 to Quit and reboot
the system.

Format the partition

10) Format the partition:

Since this OS supports NTFS, format the partition with it. If you do not, many folder and
file security features will be unavailable. Note: If you are dual booting your system, a previous OS will not be able to read
the local information. This is a fact with Windows 9x and Me. If you have a requirement to view this partition from another
OS installed on the system, do not format it as NTFS. Also, the boot partition must be formatted with FAT32 if you wish to
dual boot. I have found no problems accessing a NTFS partition mapped as a network drive from an older OS.

Select what format you wish to use by pressing the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys.

Press ENTER to confirm your selection and Continue or ESC to Cancel.

Setup formats the partition

11) Setup formats the partition:

Watch the progress bar as Setup formats the partition, or get up and get a soda. It may take

Creating File List

12) Creating File List:

Setup is now figuring out what files to copy over to the hard drive.

Setup copies various files

13) Setup copies various files:

After the partition is finished formatting, Setup copies various files to support booting
from the hard drive and continue on.

Creates various information files

14) Creating various information files:

Setup then creates various information files required to continue on with setup.

Press ENTER to Restart

15) Press ENTER to Restart

The first reboot and the end of the blue background has arrived. If you are impatient, press
ENTER to Restart before the 15 seconds expire.

ENTER to Restart the Computer is the only option available.

Windows 2000 boot screen

16) Windows 2000 boot screen:

The new Windows 2000 boot screen is displayed.

Windows 2000

17) Windows 2000:

Sit back. It may be awhile.

Setup Wizard

18) Setup Wizard:

The Setup Wizard will be displayed. SelectNext to continue on.

Installing Devices

19) Installing Devices:

Windows 2000 will begin installing devices, such as "mouse and keyboard," even though you have already been using them. :)

Region and Input Languages

20) Region and Input Languages: (Image 2.5)

A little while later, you will be prompted with options of configuring your Region and Input
Languages. The default was fine for me, so I selected Next.

Options include Customize buttons plus the standard Back and Next.

Enter in your name

21) Enter in your name:

Enter in your name and optional Organization information, then select the Next button.

25 digit Product Key

22) 25 digit Product Key:

Thought you could get away from it? Think again.

Enter your unique 25 digit Product Key that came with your CD, then select the Next button.

Enter a Computer name and an Administrator Password

23) Enter a Computer name and an Administrator Password: (Image 2.8)

The "suggested" name for the computer is always really whacked out. Choose one
that meets your needs.

Enter an Administrator Password now. It is very important that you keep this information safe and remember what it is!

"01Pa$$word" is not a good choice. Think of something secure and never lose or forget it.

Date, Time and Time Zone

24) Date, Time and Time Zone:

Configure the proper information for the Date, Time and Time Zone here.

Network Setup

25) Network Setup:

Networking information is now setting up.

Network Settings Dialog

26) Network Settings Dialog: (Image 3.1)

The Network Settings Dialog is next. Under usual circumstances, the Typical settings are fine, but I never choose them so I can poke around under the hood. I selected Custom here.

Choose your method and select the Next button.

Custom settings

27) Custom settings:

TCP/IP Properties contains the standard options. Adjust them for your particular needs as
required. For now, I kept the default settings. Basically, it is using DHCP to configure TCP/IP.

Select the Advanced button to further configure your TCP/IP options.

In the custom settings, many options are abound. I cannot go into all of them here, so I will leave everything as default.

Workgroup or Computer Domain

28) Workgroup or Computer Domain?

Workgroup or Computer Domain, that is the question. I am not going to set up this system
to connect to a domain controller, so I will place it as a member of a workgroup.

Please, change "WORKGROUP" to something else. I hate defaults. :)

Select the Next button after making your choice and entering your configuration.

Copying files

29) Copying files:

Installation of all files and components may take awhile. Sit back and watch the pretty bar wander across the screen. :)

Final Tasks

30) Final Tasks:

After the files finish the transfer, setup performs final tasks. including setting up the start menu and cleaning up temporary directories.

Setup Finished

31) Setup Finished:

The system will reboot after selecting the Finish button on this dialog.

Windows 2000 is starting up

32) Windows 2000 is starting up: (Image 4.1)

The moment we have all been waiting for, Windows 2000 Professional is starting up "for
the first time." Remember that quoted statement with Windows 95 setup?

Network Wizard

33) Network Wizard:

Windows 2000 Network ID Wizard is displayed with the option of canceling or selecting Next.

I chose Next here.

Click Back

34) Click Back:

At this point, an initial option was not offered.

Click the Back button to see it.

Choose your option

35) Choose your option:

Here, I choose to select the second option of The computer is part of a home network and not part of a business network.

Does it make any difference? Not sure, but it makes me feel better.

After choosing your option, select Next to continue.

Auto Login

36) Auto Login:

Windows 2000 offers the ability for you, right now, to create a user account, password it, and "always login" as this person.

This is what I "usually" do as I have no worries about anyone in the house cracking the system, but if your circumstances warrant it, I would not have auto login enabled. However, you should still create a "normal" user account and not always use the Administrator account for daily activities.

NEVER leave an account unpassworded.

Windows 2000

37) Windows 2000 Desktop:

Since I chose to auto login, I did not get the pop up dialog asking for password.

The desktop is now displayed!

I hope this gave you some insight as how "easy" it really is to install Windows 2000.

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